Video on How to Recycle Tin Cans and Make Fun Pencil Holders | Easy, Fun...

Tin Cans = Pencil Holders! ✏️
So many uses for tin cans.. here's a way to make new pencil holders... a kids project... or maybe for your home office if working from home. 
Any tins, any sizes can be used. This week save your cans from tinned fruit, baked beans or soup... and turn them into a snazzy pencil holder!
A few easy steps...
1. Wash the cans - sometimes the edges can be sharp so be careful!
2. Find some paper you like (wrapping/gift paper, colouring book paper, card paper, magazine paper, etc) to wrap around your can and secure with tape or glue.
3. Use tape or PVA glue to secure your paper onto the can (I prefer glue).
4. Optional, decorate your can with ribbon, twine, beads, buttons, stickers, etc.
5. Add your pens, pencils & admire your 'no cost' project!
(You can also paint the can and decorate it - see last photo!)
Easy and great for the environment too! 
